One of the most popular posts* on this website has undoubtedly been “Three Newsletters I Read Every Morning.” Seriously, it gets over 1K views every month (which is INCREDIBLE for this tiny little blog). I get it. There is so much news, and so many ways to access the links: Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, email forwards, physical newspapers even. The appeal of the “inbox” newsletter is undeniable, it takes ALL the news and condenses it into easily digestible bites.
The hard part is just figuring out which to subscribe to. I’m a big fan of reducing inbox clutter, I even created a separate email for junk & sales promotions. In the past two years, I’ve narrowed it down to two newsletters that I read every single day: The Daily Pnut and the Morning Brew. Both are non-partisan, sharply written newsletters focused on global, us and business news. It’s niche but my favorite, least stressful way to get through the news. Of course, now that I’m quarantining in the suburbs, the joy of being able to read the newspaper almost as fun as pulling out my phone every morning.
Stay Safe,
*In case you’re interested, the number one viewed post is my knock-off recipe of Sweetgreen’s Guacamole Greens salad dressing. I’m honestly not sure why but numbers and data sure are fun.
The Two Newsletters I Read Every Day Without Fail
The Daily PNUT:

This is my absolute favorite, cannot go a morning without reading, email newsletter. Branded as “a daily email designed to make you sound ‘marginally more intelligent,’ the Daily PNUT provides excellent short summaries of both US and International News. Fun Fact: Both Noam Chomsky an dSteven Pinker are subscribers. The Daily Pnut send subscribers its newsletter Monday through Friday, with nutshells (summary on deeper topics like “What’s happening to China’s Economy” to Loose Nuts, or their fascinating news links.” My favorite part about the Daily PNUT is that they dive into global news, rather than exclusively focusing on the US.
Recommended for: Peoples who have the Guardian or BBC as their homepage.
Sign Up Link:
Morning Brew:

This is the only other newsletter that I read every day. This weekday newsletter is geared towards young professionals and contains a daily stock market recap, and short briefs on the most important (US) business news. The Brew provides small, yet insightful blurbs, summaries and interviews to help you know what’s happening in the [business] world. My favorite part is the brain teasers and puzzles that they include in the bottom of every newsletter. The Brew
Recommended for: People who work in Enterprise Startups/ Startup Land, and those who need a quick summary but don’t want to read FT or other Finance newspapers.
Sign Up Link:
The Other Newsletters You Might Consider:
Need 2 Know:
This morning email digest distills political, pop cultural, sports and business news into an easy-to-understand and relatable (read: simple) summary. You won’t feel intellectually stimulated, but it will give you a good quick overview. Plus, the team selects a hilarious tweet to tack onto the end so you can start your day off with a laugh.
Recommended for: People who used to like theSkimm, but got turned off by its weirdly gendered language.
Now I Know:
This shares “all sorts of interesting things” from history lessons to human biology theories to crazy stories. Yesterday’s newsletter focused on drunk birds.
Invision: A most have for any designers, product managers or people interested in design.
Dave Pell is a internet news junkie. Every morning, he personally curates a short summary of the day’s ten most fascinating news stories. This is an industry favorite used by many people, including the daily show people.
Enterprise Weekly:
Enterprise Weekly is a produced by Workbench, an enterprise technology venture fund, based in New York City. They produce a wonderful weekly newsletter capturing the headlines on enterprise tech news. It’s perfect for start-ups information.

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