Life Lately // December Edition


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Happy Almost New Year Everyone. Is it me or does it feel like December… actually all of 2017 just flew by? These last four weeks have been filled with so much love, fun, and travel. In the last couple of weeks, I got to see my parents & a best friend in NYC (separately), threw an epic apartment holiday crawl in my building, had an amazing Mexican food-fueled trip to San Antonio with G’s family, and I’m now sitting at our Kolkata kitchen counter writing this blog post. Basically, it was a pretty awesome month. There are so many things going on lately here is the quick summary of my life!

Currently Eating: Dosa from Rama Krishna Lunch Home in Kolkata

Currently Craving: Bean and Cheese Tacos from San Antonio

Currently Drinking: Balvenie 12 Year Old Triple Cask Whiskey (Scotland). Courtesy of my mom and dad

Currently Reading: Exit West by Moshin Hamid

Currently Recommending: All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr

Currently Watching: The Indian Detective with Russell Peters. It’s only four episodes!

Currently DIY-ing: Hand Lettering.  I’m practicing fake calligraphy so all my holiday cards looked extra special this year.

Currently Bloglovin’: Extra Petite– this is one of the first blogs I started reading back in the day.

Currently listening to: Vienna Boys Choir. (Fun Fact: They usually perform at Carnegie Hall every December.

Currently commuting to: NPR’s Fresh Air. This one with President Obama’s photographer Pete Souza made me tear up…on a greyhound bus. Thankfully no one was sitting next to me.

Currently working out with: Wundabar. Or Wunda-booty as I like to call it. It’s an amazing pilates- amazing fun and amazing like you will feel every muscle in your body the next day.

Currently Visiting: Jorasanko Thakur Bari 

Currently reminiscing about: the Maldives

Currently traveling to: India! Yay!

Currently looking forward to: the New Year

A Blog in Review

  • Divulge in some of my favorite guilty pleasures…of the literary variety
  • Or try your hand at some homemade holiday bark. All it takes is 5 ingredients.


Big Hugs,


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